Victor Franz Hess (1883 - 1964) war der Entdecker der Kosmischen Strahlung, er erhielt 1936 den Nobelpreis für Physik.
Wir befinden uns hier am Hafelekar in 2300 Meter Seehöhe im Norden der Stadt Innsbruck. Wie man hier am Bild erkennen kann, sieht man von hier schon fast in den Weltraum
Im Jahr 1931 wurde auf Initiative von Victor Franz Hess die Messtation zur Messung kosmischer Strahlung in Betrieb genommen, die bis zur heutigen Gegenwart in Betrieb ist.
Hier eine Ansicht der Messtation im Sommer:
Victor Franz Hess bei der Strahlenmessung:
Die Bildbeschreibung lautet:
"Hafelekar monitoring station
As the intensity of cosmic radiation grows with increasing altitude, it makes sense to use mountain-top locations as monitoring posts. With the construction ot the Nordkettenbahn cableway in 1928, scientists suddenly had fast and convenient access to the higher altitudes, and in 1931 Victor Franz Hess selected the upper terminal of the Hafelekar cableway for a measuring station at an altitude of 2300 metres above sea-level.
At first the station comprised just one room measuring 4.5 by 4.5 metres, while sleeping accommodation and laboratories were added later. The heart of the facility, the measuring apparatus to be seen in this room, is a cylinder filled with argon. When the cosmic rays hit the gas, an electric charge is produced, which in turn def'-its the pointer on the electrometer. The movements of the pointer are photographed for the records. The cylinder itself is encased in about 1500 kilograms of lead, and that serves as a shield against other forms of radiation.
Twice a week the scientists from Innsbruck University had to change the film and take the exposed film with the recorded data down to Innsbruck for processing. If the cableway was not operating for any reason, the trip up the mountain and back had to be made on foot, often through the deep snows of winter."
Hier eine Skizze zur kosmischen Strahlung:
Weiterführende Informationen auf der
Viktor Franz Hess-Homepage des Fachbereiches Physik der Universität Innsbruck.
Wolfgang (